Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Spring Allergies

Signs of an Allergy
Dogs that are licking, scratching and chewing at themselves likely have allergies to something in the environment, a common disorder in dogs.  One of the major pet insurance companies in the United States reported the top claims for 2010.  The top three in dogs were all related to allergies: ear infections, skin allergies and skin infection/hotspots.
Types of Allergies
Your dog can be allergic to the same allergens you are –  seasonal ones such as fleas, mold and pollen from trees, flowers and shrubs.  Dogs also suffer from non-seasonal allergies to dust mites or feathers. And poor Roman has been diagnosed with being allergic to cats!  This time of year we suspect seasonal allergies, but if the scratching and itching continue into the winter months, then we worry about year round allergies.
Treating Allergies
If your dog has seasonal allergies, frequent bathing with soothing shampoos and medicated rinses often help, especially after weekend romps in the park.  If your dog develops a skin or ear infection as a sequel to her allergies, your veterinarian can evaluate an ear or skin swab and determine the proper medication to remedy the situation.  Sometimes antihistamines or steroids are prescribed to help control the itch.
Seeking a Veterinary Dermatologist
When the allergies are present year round or are not controlled by the methods described above, a veterinary dermatologist can perform special testing to determine the allergen(s) causing the problem.  Two types of allergy testing are available for dogs:  a blood test and intradermal testing (the skin prick test your allergist may have used on you).  The veterinary dermatologist will determine what test is best for your dog.  Most dogs are allergic to more than one thing and a custom allergy vaccine can be created for them based on the test information.  You give your pet small volume injections under the skin to decrease the immune system’s response to the allergen, and over time the itching, scratching and associated skin and ear infections subside.
If your dog is scratching more this spring or seems to always have an ear infection, maybe he has allergies.   See your veterinarian for advice on management and follow the directions closely to avoid a serious hotspot or ear infection this spring.